#ifndef __BINARY_TREE_H__ #define __BINARY_TREE_H__ template < typename Key, typename Data > class BinaryTree; /*! 树的节点 */ template < typename Key, typename Data > class TreeNode { public: //! 默认构造函数 TreeNode() : m_pParent( NULL ), m_pLChild( NULL ), m_pRChild( NULL ) { } //! 构造函数 TreeNode( Key k, const Data & d ) : m_pParent( NULL ), m_pLChild( NULL ), m_pRChild( NULL ), m_key( k ), m_data( d ) { } //! 拷贝构造函数 TreeNode( const TreeNode< Key, Data > & node ) : m_pParent( NULL ), m_pLChild( NULL ), m_pRChild( NULL ), m_key( node.m_key ), m_data( node.m_data ) { } //! 赋值函数 TreeNode< Key, Data > & operator=( const TreeNode< Key, Data > & rhs ) { m_key = rhs.m_key; m_data = rhs.m_data; return *this; } //! 获取键值 Key GetKey() const { return m_key; } //! 获取数据 Data GetData() const { return m_data; } //! 设置数据 void SetData( const Data & d ) { m_data = d; } private: Key m_key; //!< 关键字 Data m_data; //!< 数据 TreeNode *m_pParent; //!< 父节点 TreeNode *m_pLChild; //!< 左子节点 TreeNode *m_pRChild; //!< 右子节点 friend class BinaryTree< Key, Data >; }; /*! 二叉查找树 */ template < typename Key, typename Data > class BinaryTree { public: BinaryTree() :m_pRoot( NULL ) { } ~BinaryTree() { while ( m_pRoot != NULL ) { DeleteNode( m_pRoot ); } } typedef TreeNode< Key, Data > _TreeNode; //! 查找 _TreeNode * Search( const Key & destK ) const; //! 最小值 _TreeNode * Minimum( _TreeNode * pNode ) const; //! 最大值 _TreeNode * Maximum( _TreeNode * pNode ) const; //! 后继 _TreeNode * Successor( _TreeNode * pNode ) const; //! 前任 _TreeNode * Predecessor( _TreeNode * pNode ) const; //! 添加节点 void AddNode( const _TreeNode * pNode ); //! 删除节点 void DeleteNode( _TreeNode * pNode ); //! 获取根节点 _TreeNode * GetRootNode() const { return m_pRoot; } private: _TreeNode *m_pRoot; //! 根节点 }; template < typename Key, typename Data > void BinaryTree< Key, Data >::AddNode( const _TreeNode * pNode ) { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); _TreeNode *newNode = new _TreeNode( *pNode ); _TreeNode *n1 = m_pRoot; _TreeNode *n2 = NULL; while ( NULL != n1 ) { n2 = n1; if ( newNode->m_key < n2->m_key ) { n1 = n2->m_pLChild; } else { n1 = n2->m_pRChild; } } if ( NULL == m_pRoot ) { m_pRoot = newNode; } else { if ( newNode->m_key < n2->m_key ) { n2->m_pLChild = newNode; } else { n2->m_pRChild = newNode; } newNode->m_pParent = n2; } } template < typename Key, typename Data > void BinaryTree< Key, Data >::DeleteNode( _TreeNode * pNode ) { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); _TreeNode * n1 = NULL; _TreeNode * n2 = NULL; //! n1是要删除的节点 if ( NULL == pNode->m_pLChild || NULL == pNode->m_pRChild ) { //! 没有或者只有1个子节点,删除的节点时pNode n1 = pNode; } else { //! 左右子节点都有,先删除pNode的后继结点 n1 = Successor( pNode ); // 该后继一定没有左节点 } //! n2是n1唯一的一个子节点 if ( NULL != n1->m_pLChild ) { n2 = n1->m_pLChild; } else { n2 = n1->m_pRChild; } //! 为删除n1所作的指针修改 if ( NULL != n2 ) { n2->m_pParent = n1->m_pParent; } if ( NULL == n1->m_pParent ) { // Root是唯一的一个父节点为空的节点 m_pRoot = n2; } else { if ( n1 == n1->m_pParent->m_pLChild ) { n1->m_pParent->m_pLChild = n2; } else { n1->m_pParent->m_pRChild = n2; } } if ( n1 != pNode ) { //! pNode左右子节点都有的情况, //! 用pNode的后继结点的关键字和附加数据替换掉pNode的关键字和附加数据 pNode->m_key = n1->m_key; pNode->m_data = n1->m_data; } delete n1; } template < typename Key, typename Data > TreeNode< Key, Data > * BinaryTree< Key, Data >::Search( const Key & destK ) const { _TreeNode *n = m_pRoot; while ( NULL != n && destK != n->m_key ) { if ( destK < n->m_key ) { n = n->m_pLChild; } else { n = n->m_pRChild; } } return n; } template < typename Key, typename Data > TreeNode< Key, Data > * BinaryTree< Key, Data >::Minimum( _TreeNode * pNode ) const { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); while ( NULL != pNode->m_pLChild ) { pNode = pNode->m_pLChild; } return pNode; } template < typename Key, typename Data > TreeNode< Key, Data > * BinaryTree< Key, Data >::Maximum( _TreeNode * pNode ) const { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); while ( NULL != pNode->m_pRChild ) { pNode = pNode->m_pRChild; } return pNode; } template < typename Key, typename Data > TreeNode< Key, Data > * BinaryTree< Key, Data >::Successor( _TreeNode * pNode ) const { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); //! 2 cases if ( NULL == pNode->m_pRChild ) { //! 1: 右子树为空 //! 向上查找直到遇到某个是其父节点的左儿子的节点时为止 while ( NULL != pNode->m_pParent && pNode->m_pParent->m_pLChild != pNode ) { pNode = pNode->m_pParent; } return pNode->m_pParent; } else { //! 2: 右子树不为空,后继即为右子树中的最左节点 return Minimum( pNode->m_pRChild ); } } template < typename Key, typename Data > TreeNode< Key, Data > * BinaryTree< Key, Data >::Predecessor( _TreeNode * pNode ) const { assert( NULL != pNode && "pNode cannot be NULL" ); //! 2 cases if ( NULL == pNode->m_pRChild ) { //! 1: 左子树为空 //! 向上查找直到遇到某个是其父节点的右儿子的节点时为止 while ( NULL != pNode->m_pParent && pNode->m_pParent->m_pRChild != pNode ) { pNode = pNode->m_pParent; } return pNode->m_pParent; } else { //! 2: 左子树不为空,前任即为左子树中的最右节点 return Maximum( pNode->m_pLChild ); } } #endif
#include "BinaryTree.h" int num[11] = { 15, 6, 18, 3, 2, 4, 7, 13, 9, 17, 20 }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { BinaryTree< int, int > myTree; typedef TreeNode< int, int > Node; for ( int i = 0; i < 11; i ++ ) { int x = num[i]; Node n( x, 0 ); myTree.AddNode( n ); } Node *pRoot = myTree.GetRootNode(); Node *min = myTree.Minimum( pRoot ); Node *max = myTree.Maximum( pRoot ); Node *someNode = myTree.Search( 17 ); Node *pre = myTree.Predecessor( someNode ); Node *suc = myTree.Successor( someNode ); myTree.DeleteNode( suc ); return 0; }
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