最近在读这本Robert Martin的Clean Code,中文译本是《代码简洁之道》,我觉得非常好看。我一直比较注重写出简洁出色的代码,并且一直以为自己在这方面做的还不错,但随着这本书的阅读,虽然我的一些观点和想法被得到验证,但另外一些却完全被颠覆。也让我意识到离一个出色的专业程序员还有多大的差距。
We’ve all looked at the mess we’ve just made and then have chosen to leave it for another day. We’ve all felt the relief of seeing our messy program work and deciding that a working mess is better than nothing. We’ve all said we’d go back and clean it up later. Of course, in those days we didn’t know LeBlanc’s law: Later equals never.
这样的经历真是太普遍了,我们写了一堆烂代码并且实现了某个功能,颇有成就感,但同时我们也意识到这是一堆垃圾代码,并且提醒自己等未来有空了一定要回来收拾这堆垃圾。但——Later equals never,我们再也没回来过。
Replace the temptation to create noise with the determination to clean your code. You’ll find it makes you a better and happier programmer.
And now note the word that Bjarne uses to describe the consequence of that inelegance. He uses the word “tempt.” There is a deep truth here. Bad code tempts the mess to grow! When others change bad code, they tend to make it worse.
You get the drift. Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading vs. writing is well over 10:1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code. Because this ratio is so high, we want the reading of code to be easy, even if it makes the writing harder. Of course there’s no way to write code without reading it, so making it easy to read actually makes it easier to write.
It was the bad code that brought the company down.
Clean code is simple and direct. Clean code reads like well-written prose.
One difference between a smart programmer and a professional programmer is that the professional understands that clarity is king. Professionals use their powers for good and write code that others can understand.
In short, a programmer who writes clean code is an artist who can take a blank screen through a series of transformations until it is an elegantly coded system.
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