新入手的YAMAHA MCR-040迷你音响,和大黄蜂一个色的,bloody gorgeous!!!
新入手的YAMAHA MCR-040迷你音响,和大黄蜂一个色的,bloody gorgeous!!!
用cmake生成OGRE的项目文件,却出不来Sample项目。cmake的输出信息中提示Skipping samples build,因为Dependecies中的OIS没有编译成功,有以下错误:
dxguid.lib(dxguid.obj) : fatal error LNK1103: debugging information corrupt; recompile module
google了一下,发现很多都是说因为某个版本的DX不再支持VC6了,但我用的是VS 2005,不过DX SDK版本是最新刚刚下载的,猜想出现这个错误是不是也是因为DX和VS版本兼容的问题。
果然,我的DX版本是June 2010,官方网站上申明这个版本开始支持VS 2010,但不再支持VS 2005了。
The June 2010 DirectX SDK includes support for Visual Studio 2010. The DirectX SDK will continue to support Visual Studio 2008 as well. However, Visual Studio 2005 will no longer be supported.
国庆前就在淘宝上痛下血本拍下了《Game Engine Architecture》,本来想在国庆长假内好好消化这本书,但快递公司居然也休了7天的长假,自从10月1日临晨后,物流信息就停止了更新。结果就是,回老家过了一个漫长而慵懒的十一假期。
从去年就开始关注这本书,据说好评如潮。我最近一年多一直干的事情就是开发game engine,但我对目前开发的很多架构不太满意,也有很多疑惑,虽然觉得有些地方很不完善,却又没法找到好的方法解决,所以希望能得到一些比较系统比较权威的帮助以作参考。于是买下了这本书,据说在国外是作为本科生的教材,所以讲得比较基础,不过比较全面、系统。
这本书在google book上有预览,不过不是很清楚。
Recently I’ve been starting to use Ubuntu. I am just a newbie to Linux, so everything seems hard for me on the first time. No matter how familiar we are with Windows, when transferred to the Linux world, we become a computer idiot again. But everything is also fresh and attractive for me. When I get my first Ubuntu 10.04 (the latest version at this time) work on my laptop, I was totally shocked, really bloody cool~ (I learned the word “bloody” from a British TV show called IT Crowd, which I am watching recently)
Dropbox is a perfect software to sync your files among different computers and I use it quite often under Windows. And now under Linux, I want it, too. But here in China, Dropbox is violently blocked. So in order to use it, I need to get out of the firewall first.
Get an SSH tunnel
It’s a common way to use SSH to get over the wall. Getting an SSH tunnel is easy, there are some for free. And you could also buy one for the sake of stability and speed. I bought a Puff (which is a kind of software using SSH) account from China’s biggest C2C shopping site Taobao.com.
Use gSTM as the SSH tunnel manager under Linux
Get gSTM from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/gstm/
Configure gSTM:
Start the tunnel you’ve just added. If you set your browser’s proxy as SOCK5,, you should be able to surf the sites like Facebook and Twitter now. If so, certainly you can log on to www.dropbox.com too!
Download Dropbox for Linux
Go to https://www.dropbox.com/downloading, and download a Dropbox for linux. I’m using Ubuntu, so I downloaded the Ubuntu (x86 .deb). Double click the downloaded .deb file, it will start the Ubuntu’s package installer to install Dropbox.
Download Dropbox daemon
After installation and starting Dropbox, it will prompt you to download the Dropbox daemon, but the proxy we set up before only works for the browser, so I cannot get the downloading work. The problem here is how could I let an arbitrary software to access the Internet with proxy. The solution is to use ProxyChains.
Use ProxyChains
Install ProxyChains: sudo apt-get install ProxyChains
Now you should be able to use the SSH proxy to download Dropbox daemon.
Open terminal, and enter: proxychains dropbox start -i
This will start Dropbox with the SSH proxy. After the daemon is downloaded and installed, we could enjoy Dropbox again.
module就是我所写的模块,在这里被封装为DLL,因为要使用json相关的功能,该DLL链接了一个静态库 (jsoncpp.lib)。最后在应用程序中导入并使用module.dll,同时因为在应用程序中也需要用到json,所以应用程序也链接了jsoncpp.lib。
//ModuleClass.h #include "json/value.h" #if defined MODULE_EXPORTS #define MODULE_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport) #else #define MODULE_EXPORTS __declspec(dllimport) #endif class ModuleClass { public: MODULE_EXPORTS void AllocSomeMemory( Json::Value &root ) { // 这将申请一些内存,因为会new出一个Json::Value,并append到root上 root.append( "testString" ); } };
#include "json/value.h" #include "ModuleClass.h" int main() { Json::Value root; ModuleClass::AllocSomeMemory( root ); }
在Debug模式下,当main函数执行完毕,对Json::Value root进行析构时,程序便出现了异常。分析下,很显然,调用ModuleClass::MallocMemoryHere时申请的内存,是在module.dll中申请的,而对这些内存的析构则是在应用程序(.exe)中进行的(析构root会同时析构append在root上的所有子Json::Value)。不过,这是异常的真正原因么?
/* * If this ASSERT fails, a bad pointer has been passed in. It may be * totally bogus, or it may have been allocated from another heap. * The pointer MUST come from the 'local' heap. */ _ASSERTE(_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData));
注释中的最后一句话”The pointer MUST come from the ‘local’ heap“引起了我的警惕,难道对于内存的申请和释放不是在同一个heap上,除了‘local’ heap还有一个什么heap么。
The _CrtIsValidHeapPointer function is used to ensure that a specific memory address is within the local heap. The local heap refers to the heap created and managed by a particular instance of the C run-time library. If a dynamic-link library (DLL) contains a static link to the run-time library, it has its own instance of the run-time heap, and therefore its own heap, independent of the application’s local heap. When _DEBUG is not defined, calls to _CrtIsValidHeapPointer are removed during preprocessing.
Static Initialization Order Fiasco (SIOF),我也是最近才知道了这个说法,因为在开发程序的时候被它bug了:对于一个static变量,不管它是全局的或者是类的成员变量,访问它的时候不一定总是成功的,甚至会造成程序crash,因为不能保证它在被访问时已经被初始化了(跟初始化的顺序有关,所以称为初始化顺序的Fiasco)。以下将制造一个非常简单的SIOF情形:
#include <vector> #include <string> class Whatever { public: Whatever() { cout << "Construct Whatever" << endl; Display(); } ~Whatever() { cout << "Destruct Whatever" << endl; Display(); } void Display() { cout << "static int:" << i << endl; cout << "static string:" << m_str << endl; cout << "static vector:" << m_vec.front() << endl; } private: static int i; static std::string m_str; static std::vector<char> m_vec; };
#include "Whatever.h" int Whatever::i = 500; string Whatever::m_str = "something"; vector<char> Whatever::m_vec = vector<char>( 10, 'a' );
#include "Whatever.h" Whatever g_whatever; int main() { ... }
Construct Whatever
static int:5
static string:
SIOF是非常难于检测的问题,这个例子是一种最简单的情形,在我的项目中,我并没有定义什么global的成员,但是因为使用了很多前置声明(forward declaration),还有一些Singleton,造成了一个非常隐蔽的SIOF,花了很大的力气才找到,痛苦的过程。
class Whatever { public: Whatever() { cout << "Construct Whatever" << endl; Display(); } ~Whatever() { cout << "Destruct Whatever" << endl; Display(); } void Display() { cout << "static vector:" << GetStaticVector().front() << endl; } private: vector<char>& GetStaticVector() { static vector<char> vec = vector<char>( 10, 'a' ); return vec; } };
总之,我们对于static变量的使用要保持一颗警惕的心,如果不确定在使用时它是否已经被初始化,就要使用函数包装static变量来防止Static Initialization Order FIASCO!
Fiasco, what a cool word.
class LuaObject { public: LuaObject() { m_L = luaL_newstate(); luaL_openlibs( m_L ); } ~LuaObject() { if ( m_L ) { lua_close( m_L ); m_L = NULL; } } private: lua_State *m_L; };
LuaObject luaObject1; LuaObject luaObject2( luaObject1 );
事实是,当一个类包含了一个指针时,我们就需要开始变得格外谨慎,除了在构造函数和析构函数中要处理指针的初始化和清理外,我们还需要考虑深拷贝(deep copy),浅拷贝(shallow copy))的问题。如果使用编译器默认生成的拷贝构造函数,它只会浅拷贝指针,而指针所指向的内存区域不会被拷贝。就像上面一样,两个LuaObject实则共享了一个lua_State。
如果你是开发LuaObject类的程序员,也许你会对使用LuaObject的程序员(或许有时使用者就是你自己)说:“你不要对它进行拷贝操作不就OK了”,但这是一种严重不负责任的行为,因为这种皮球会越踢越远的。比如,程序员A使用了你的LuaObject类,他写了一个包含LuaObject的指针的类,同样A也不考虑拷贝指针安全问题,然后A又将它的类传递给了B,B封装了A的类指针,然后传递给了C,接着如此重复,C再给D,D再给E,最后E在对类进行拷贝操作时,程序crash掉了,因为在某个最底层,他们共享了lua_State。不过因为这时候已经嵌套了这么多层,E程序员或许根本不知道也不关心什么是LuaObject(他只跟D的类打交道)。这时,要想追踪到BUG之源——万恶的不考虑指针安全的LuaObject,已经非常困难了,God bless you all.
事实是,如果你不想让你的类被复制,你就应该明确而显示的禁止它。其实lua_State的这个问题非常类似于Effective C++书中的第14个条款中所提到的问题:在资源管理类中小心copying行为。对于这个问题,书中提供了两种解决方案。第一种就是禁止复制。第二种则是对底层资源的“引用计数法”(reference count)。
class LuaObject : private Uncopyable { public: ... }
第二种则是使用智能指针来封装lua_State,我们可以使用boost的shared_ptr来封装lua_State,即shared_ptr< lua_State > m_L。如何对m_L进行初始化是另一个需要注意的问题,如果使用shared_ptr的常见初始化形式:m_L = shared_ptr< lua_State >( luaL_newstate() ),这样是不对的,因为在这种形式下,当lua_State的计数变为0时,shared_ptr会去调用lua_State的的析构函数,这显然是错误的,对lua_State的释放动作是lua_close而不是删除。事实上,这样编译器也无法通过,如果这么写,会报出“use of undefined type ‘lua_State’”的错误,提示lua_State是一个非完成的类型(incomplete type)。
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> using boost::shared_ptr; class LuaObject { public: LuaObject() { m_L = shared_ptr< lua_State >( luaL_newstate(), lua_close ); luaL_openlibs( m_L.get() ); } private: shared_ptr< lua_State > m_L; };
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